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Integrate GPT and get it to reply in valid JSON

15 September, 2023
- 9 min read

Integrate GPT and get it to reply in valid JSON or, actually integrate GPT into your applications NOTE: If you just want to see how to get…

what exactly are models?

03 July, 2023
- 7 min read

what exactly are models? We hear a lot of talk about AI models these days. You go scroll along any social media and the concept is thrown…

how's your data lookin'?

04 November, 2021
- 6 min read

how's your data lookin'? Data. Data. Data. We can't seem to escape hearing about data these days, can we? This simple and abstract concept…

Use music to build and improve your relationships

29 October, 2021
- 7 min read

Use music to build and improve your relationships and get some new jams along the way When I was just starting out in my professional career…

Embrace custom development, why containers are your new friend

22 October, 2021
- 9 min read

Embrace custom development why containers are your new friend By my count, and in my current caffeine crashing consciousness, there are…

Want to improve your communication, empathy and understanding? Read poetry.

18 October, 2021
- 9 min read

Want to improve your communication, empathy and understanding? Read poetry. We all might remember having to briefly read some poetry in…

go analog, the utility in writing by hand

11 October, 2021
- 7 min read

go analog, the utility in writing by hand With our ever expanding set of tools ranging from recording zoom calls, to apple pencils, through…

the waves of building software

07 October, 2021
- 9 min read

the waves of building software a field guide to the history of how we got where we are and a few lessons from riding the waves I have this…

why i don't say customer

04 October, 2021
- 4 min read

why i don't say customer or, why words matter In our increasingly constrained communications between one another, frequently boiled down to…

the only business books you’ll ever need

29 September, 2021
- 10 min read

The only business books you’ll ever need I don’t tend to like these type of titles. They catch one’s eye and give a great intro into what…

stop making meetings on friday

14 September, 2021
- 5 min read

STOP MAKING MEETINGS ON FRIDAY In consulting no different than life only more so, time is everything. As consultants, rarely if ever in one…